Thursday, May 20, 2010

Indians v Royals

GeoTagged, [N41.49599, E81.68581]

Thanks to our buddy Brad Mohr of the Cleveland Indians! Hell of a guy.


  1. Andy, Ben, Nice to have met you in C-Town for your visit. Looks like you had a great day for Progressive Field. It sounds like you picked a good parallel tour of great brew pubs. you may need a few more days in each town to explore that one.
    Enjoy your adventure!

  2. Thanks Doug! It was great to meet you and thanks for getting in touch with Brad. We really enjoyed Cleveland...I wish we had more time to explore like you say.
    Have a great summer and keep checking in on the blog.

  3. So why did you want to know my favorite ball player? How could it be anyone otherthan Ted the "Spendid Splinter" Williams! If he hadn't spent two tours of duty flying planes in WW2 and Korea; hw would have broken every record in the book! Hey you two; Be careful out there!
