Friday, May 14, 2010


Ohhh Canadaa! After our stop at Niagra Falls, we made it through customs more smoothly than anticipated with only a few strange questions from security. Got to Kiki's house (Andy's cousin who we're staying with) about 9:30 Thursday night and hit the ground running with drinks at the apartment followed by a night on the town. Our first stop was the Silver Dollar pub, which was pretty fun with funkish-hip hop-jazz style live music. After chatting it up with some fellow patrons (one of which was a chic who invited us to go to some goth bar Saturday night...we'll see how that goes) we went out looking for more watering holes but wound up at this diner sort of place that reminded me of a fancy Friendly's that served alcohol. Andy and I were dupped by the bartender who told us that this so-called-IPA was a great beer but it turned about to be a somewhat more flavorful Bud Light. We eventually made our way home and crashed after a loooonggg first day.

Saturday morning we woke up and had some coffee then putzed around the city. We got lunch at a cafe and went in a few stores. There is definitely a lot too see here, all kinds of street happenings going on, lots of different shops, and the waterfront (by the Lake Ontario shore) boasts a beatiful skyline highlighted by the CN Tower (a.k.a the Space Needle), the Rogers Centre, and lots of tall buildings. There a pretty dynamic feel to this city, but the hipster seen is quite noticable (notice the "So Hip It Hurts" sign above. We lucked out in the weather department with sunny skies and 20 degree temps (celcius!), as opposed to last night's cold, wet and gloomy weather. We were all kind of tired so we headed back to the ranch for some rest before the Blue Jays game tonight at 7pm.


  1. awesome, you guys go up in that space needle?

  2. Didn't go up. It was mad bills, but we walked around the bottom and such.
